Fantasy for all ages by Melissa McCrackin

It is my core belief that a good story should evoke emotions. There should be times when you smile, frown, cry or want to choke the life from the author. You should feel, because if you don’t then you are not invested. I strive to breathe life into my characters. If they laugh, I want you to smile. If they cry, I want you to sniffle. If I fail in that, then I have failed to tell the story as I see it in my mind.
I don’t try to teach moral lessons with my books. I don’t try to drown you in poetry or suffocate with descriptions. My books are simply written. I seek to entertain and draw you away from the reality you were trying to escape when you picked the book up.
The worlds I create and the characters that fill them are my own escape from reality. My stories are my way to share them. I hope you find the sanctuary in them that I do.